Ebook The Forgotten Sister A heartrending beautifully moving novel perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult and Jojo Moyes edition by Caroline Bond Literature Fiction eBooks

By Winifred Guzman on Saturday 25 May 2019

Ebook The Forgotten Sister A heartrending beautifully moving novel perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult and Jojo Moyes edition by Caroline Bond Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 786 KB
  • Print Length 343 pages
  • Publisher Corvus (May 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 2, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Forgotten Sister A heartrending beautifully moving novel perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult and Jojo Moyes edition by Caroline Bond Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • Tom (white) and Grace (black) are married and unable to have children so opt to adopt. When a little three-year-old mixed-race baby (Cassadie) becomes available they are overjoyed but not keen to also adopt her half-sister Leah (white) because of her massive rage, control and self-harm issues which they witness first hand. Shortly thereafter Grace falls pregnant with Erin and they believe their family to be complete. Weighed down with guilt for leaving Leah behind, Grace writes a yearly letter to Leah but never receives a response.
    Years down the line they have in an effort to protect Cassadie not been open about her sister, so she, like most ebullient teenagers sets off on her own path to learn more about her birth mother, only to find Leah. Needless to say, this has massive repercussions for the family, including Erin who has bonded like a blood sister with Cassadie.
    The most engrossing part of this story for me was the look at Leah, who took on the role of mothering her baby sister from a very early age, her self-mutilating, rage, lies, deceit and attempt to hurt Cassadie and the family without realising that as a broken person, hurting others would not heal herself.
    This was a sad story but not without some hope. Caroline Bond knows how to write a story that keeps one glued. 5 stars.